Plan Your Visit
When planning your visit to Jackson Friends Church we suggest arriving around 10:00am (30 mins before our worship service), so that you have time to park, get a cup of coffee or espresso drink, sit in our cafe and then come to the worship service. We have three entrances into the church, which sits on the corner of Arlington Road and Portage Street in Jackson Township, Massillon Ohio. Two on the east side of the church and one on the west side of the church. You will find at each of our doors a friendly greeter there handing out that day’s bulletin, who can point you in the right direction to our worship center or the students and kids ministry areas.
The Main Entrance (Door #1) is closest to Portage Street and leads into the area where the Main Worship Center and church offices are located.
The Atrium Entrance (Door #2) is to the right of the Main Entrance and leads into the atrium and Java House and Bistro to the right when you walk in. If you go straight forward , you will see the Children’s Ministry Check in and our Nursery area for children under kindergarten age.
The Arlington Entrance (Door #3) is entered from the Arlington Street parking lot. It leads into the hall of the Main Worship Center (not pictured).
Door #1
Door #2
Worship Center
Please feel free to sit where you would like in our worship center for our Sunday morning service. Don’t be surprised that you are welcomed by those around you - we hope you find friendly & caring people. We will sing 3 to 4 songs of worship to God together, have a time of giving, prayer time, and a Bible based sermon by one of our pastors. We value God’s Word (The Bible) at our church and encourage everyone to bring their own Bible. However, if you do not have a Bible or forgot to bring a Bible you can find a Bible in the pew back. Also, around 7 times out of the year we have communion or the Lord’s supper/table together.
Children & Student Ministries
The Children’s ministries are held upstairs. Ask someone at the Welcome Center about where our Children’s Ministry Check-in is and we will help you get checked in and show you where your child or children will attend a Sunday School class.
Java House & Bistro
When you come in through Door #2 you will find our cafe area called the Java House and Bristo. Here you can get cup of FREE coffee or tea. If you want something a little more you can order a morning latte, cappuccino, mocha, hot chocolate, or smoothie along with a breakfast snack. We are also offering a full breakfast for purchase on Sunday mornings from 8:45-10:30am. The proceeds will benefit our homeless ministry in Akron called, Team Jesus. After breakfast or your morning coffee, you can make your way to the Worship Service to the left, which starts at 10:30am.
Jackson Friends Church
Come as you are, you will be among friends