Jackson Friends
Ability Ministries
Jackson Friends Ability Ministry seeks to glorify Christ in all they are created to be, inspire each child or adult to grow as disciples of Christ, and go and serve wherever the Lord leads us to go!
Gives access for everyone to know how much God loves them!
Build a thriving community for those who have disabilities and special needs to shine their light for Jesus!
Sharing God has a plan and purpose for all people. God makes no mistakes!
Opportunities @ Jackson Friends Church
Friends Ability Ministry is offering an equal access ministry for our friends who have different abilities during our Sunday School Class and worship hour integrated with a buddy assistant . We will have opportunity to learn how much God loves them, activities with access to all ways of learning, and unique ways to worship Jesus!
The Ability children are with a buddy for 9 am and 10:30 am on Sundays. The 4th Sunday of the month our Ability’s Ministry Director, takes all Ability children to our sensory room.
Sign Language Class
Have you ever wanted to learn sign language but didn’t know where to start? Please join our Deaf Ministries on Thursday evenings beginning January 9. Intermediate Sign Language class is from 6 to 7 pm. Beginners Sign Language class from 7 to 8 pm. We will be learning the ABC’s, basic sign language, fun games, and activities to learn sign language! The book is between $15 - $20. (It fluctuates on Amazon the amount).
*Both classes are located in the Hospitality Room. Click on EVENTS to find out more info about the class schedule.
Request Sign Language Interpreter
If you are needing a sign language interpreter for one of our church events, activities or meetings at Jackson Friends Church please click on the “Request Interpreter” button below.