Blessed To Be a Blessing

"We love because He (Jesus)
first loved us.” -1 John 4:19

A lifestyle of service is a natural result of our response to Christ’s love for us. As a church family, we desire to worship God by following His lead and serving one another. Below are ways you can get involved with our church and serve!

  • Spring Fling Volunteers- Our Spring Fling Community Event is coming up soon on April 19 from 10 am - 12 pm. We are in need of volunteers to help with Easter Egg Hunt, games, bounce house, serve the snack and more! Please sign up using the link below! Thank you!

    Spring Fling Volunteer Sign Up

  • VBS Volunteers - Would you love to come serve the kids of JFC and the community through our VBS! We have tons of volunteer opportunities for you! Click on the sign up sheet below!


  • Check-in Attendant — Welcome and attend to all our families upon arrival, help with checking in their kids, security and answering question or giving directions.

    *If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call



Volunteer Opportunities:

Sound Tech — Learn about the different equipment used for the worship team and basic stage setup. Operate a Digital Mixer to create great sound in the worship center. Experience not necessary, but is helpful.

Camera Operator — Operate our cameras during Sunday morning services for our live stream and sermon recording. You will learn to operate the camera, learn proper composure techniques and gain a general knowledge of live broadcast. No experience necessary.

Slide Operator — Learn how to run slides for our Sunday worship services on a computer application called Proclaim. This software runs videos, lyrics and slides that project on the screens in the worship center and on our live stream broadcast. Basic computer skills are a must, but no experience necessary.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Ability Ministry Buddy Volunteer - We are seeking buddies to be one on one with a child with different abilities in the Children's ministry to learn about Jesus during 9 am study hour or 10:30 am worship time as well as Wednesday evenings beginning January 8..

Sports Ability Ministry Buddy Volunteer - We are seeking a buddy to help children with different abilities to enjoy a sport here in Jackson Friends Sports Ministry.

Ability Ministry Buddy Substitute - We are seeking a substitute Ability Ministry Buddy who will fill in as needed when the regular Buddy is unable to be there. The substitute will step in and love on the ability kids and enjoy sharing the love of Jesus with them.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Check-in Attendant — Welcome and attend to all our families upon arrival, help with checking in their kids, security and answering question or giving directions.

Sunday School Teacher at 9am — Instill who Jesus is as you help kids dig deeper into the Scriptures and teach a small group of elementary age kids discover how much God loves them.

Children’s Church Leader at 10:30am — Team up with other leaders to share the word of God with our children in our large and energetic Children’s Church to learn, play and grow as God’s Children.

Youth Classroom Assistants — This opportunity is for youth (students ages 13-17) who would like to serve as an assistant in the nursery or in a classroom. They will help build relationships with children and help with sharing the Bible lesson, playing games, making crafts and loving our children.

Nursery Caregiver — Love and build relationships with our nursery children and their families. Be gentle and nurturing and help children take their first steps with Christ.

Spring Fling Volunteers- Our Spring Fling Community Event is coming up soon on April 19 from 10 am - 12 pm. We are in need of volunteers to help with Easter Egg Hunt, games, bounce house, serve the snack and more! Please sign up using the link below! Thank you!

Spring Fling Volunteer Sign Up

VBS Volunteers - Would you love to come serve the kids of JFC and the community through our VBS! We have tons of volunteer opportunities for you! Click on the sign up sheet below!


  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Vocals — Provide the gift of your voice through singing with our church’s worship band on Sunday morning and other special events for the purpose of glorifying Christ as lead worshippers for our congregation.

Band/Instruments — Provide the gift of your musical talent in playing an instrument with our church’s worship band on Sunday morning and other special events for the purpose of glorifying Christ as lead worshippers for our congregation.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Good News Club: This is an after school ministry is to kids at Sauder Elementary School, Jackson Twp Local. We get the opportunity to teach the Bible to over 80 kids and lead fun games and activities with them. Please join our team as we reach the younger generation for Christ! SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER WITH GOOD NEWS CLUB.

Community Outreach Events: We organize 2 to 3 large community events as an outreach to our local community.

  • Spring Fling: Large Easter theme event for kids and families. We have inflatables, big Easter Egg Hunt, crafts, a special Gospel message, and other games.

    Spring Fling Volunteer Sign Up

  • Fall Fest: Large Outdoor fall event for families. We have inflatables, games, live music, hay ride, food trucks and more!

Team Jesus — This ministry operates out of the Bill Denton Outreach Center (490 East South St, Akron) from 10:30am-1:00pm the last 2 Saturdays of each month. Want to get involved as they minister to and help individuals in need?

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Visiting Shut-Ins and The Sick - Help by visiting those who are not able to attend our church anyone or that may be in the hospital with a sickness or in rehab. Encourage by connecting with them, reading Scripture, praying together, administering communion.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


For Middle School & High School Students
Volunteer Opportunities:

Prayer Team Member - Be a prayer warrior for our Student Ministry. We will have a variety of ways for you to reach our students, families, and community through prayer. There will be some gatherings, prayer guides, and a prayer chain.

Small Group Leader - Help lead a small group of students in Bible study and fun activities. You can help weekly or special events. There are many opportunities to serve. Training will be provided.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Monthly Newsletter — Help once a month to prepare our JFC newsletters for bulk mailing (folding, stuffing, labeling).

Phone Coverage & Special Projects — Help with needs for the church as they arise, answer the phone, make copies, organize files, or help with special mailings.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Greeters — We are always in need of friendly individuals ready to welcome our visitors and people on Sunday morning. You would greet people, hand out church bulletins, and welcome all those who come each Sunday for our worship services. You would also help hand out our welcome packets to new attenders and help answer any questions about our church.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.

Sports Ministry

Volunteer Opportunities:


Basketball Concessions: Slots available on Saturdays. Be the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve snacks and love them with friendliness!

Sign up Basketball Concessions

Scoreboard: We always need an extra hand with keeping score and watching the time. No experience is necessary. We will provide simple training.

Simple tasks: Greeting people as the walk in, moving the curtains for half time devotions, flipping lights on and off and more. No experience is necessary.

  • If interested in serving in any of the above areas, please fill out our SERVING FORM or call 330-966-0616.