Donation Needs

Donations - Our JFC Kids Ministry is accepting donations for the month of December for the Outreach Ministry in Canton called “Unexpected Blessings!” We will be collecting mittens and socks for all ages of kids. Please drop off donations at the main church office. Thank you for sharing God’s love to many families through your donations!

Women With A Mission - Acme Receipts:
Women With a Mission is collecting Acme grocery receipts dated August 1 through February 15. The ladies turn them in for the Community Cashback fundraiser and we receive a check for a portion of select purchases. Proceeds are used for missions. Please place your receipts in the basket at the Welcome Center.

Team Jesus Donations - The volunteers are preparing for winter & requesting for winter clothing, sleeping bags for the homeless community in Akron. All donations can be drop off in the office. Monetary donations please label as “Team Jesus” on your offering envelope.

Community Christmas - Help a family for Christmas! Check out the Giving Tree outside of the sanctuary with tags on it for the needs of JFC Families! All items are due December 21 to be delivered in time for Christmas! Thank you for your hearts to serve families in need for Christmas!

EFM Donations - Spread the light this Christmas season through EFM Christmas Catalog! EFM hearts wanted to purchase with the purpose of making a meaningful impact ! Prayerfully considering purchasing animals, health, comfort, clean water & more! See our EFM table under the Outreach TV!