Donation Needs
Outreach Donations - Our JFC Kids Ministry is accepting donations for the month of March for the Outreach Ministry in Canton called “Unexpected Blessings!” We will be collecting boys/girls 18 to 24 months clothing. Please drop off donations at the main church office by the end of the month. Thank you for sharing God’s love to many families through your donations!
Team Jesus Donations - The volunteers are requesting monetary donations, hoodies, waterproof coats, socks, jeans, boots & camping gear for the homeless community in Akron. All donations can be drop off in the office. Monetary donations please label as “Team Jesus” on your offering envelope.
Spring Fling Donations - Our JFC Kids Ministry is preparing for Spring Fling for our kids and community. We fill 5500 eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt! We are in need of individually wrapped candies to fit inside the plastic Easter eggs. Please drop off in the church office.